Sunday, June 13, 2010

We love you Caden, you have touched our lives in so many ways. God be with you till we meet again.


  1. I met Jessica while my daughter was admitted to PICU. I only knew this sweet family for a short while, but they had an ever lasting impact on my life. Caden's story touched me in so many ways. I will never forget this special family and I continue to pray for them every day.
    With much love,
    Candice Massey (mother of 7 from Utah)

  2. Oh Candice, how are you? How is your daughter doing? I am so glad you found our blog. Take Care. Jessica

  3. Hi Jessica!! I think of you almost every day and when I do I say a prayer for you....I will never forget you and your sweet family. Paelyn stayed for 6 weeks at Phoenix Childrens and we went home for only 3 days and ended back for a 3 week stay. The doctors did a lung biopsy. They were trying to find a reason as to why she continues to require oxygen and the need for it increases and why she falls into respiratory distress and is intubated quite often, but so far have found no answers. We recently moved to Lehi, UT to be closer to family and Paelyn is admitted quite often to Primary Childrens in respiratory distress. The doctors here are looking at pulmanary hypertention but she is not strong enough to have the tests done to see if that is indeed what she has. She is almost 7 months old and just hit 11 pounds. She is fed through a g-tube only. I would LOVE to stay in touch with you! PLEASE email me at I have enjoyed seeing the pictures you have put heart aches for you. Like I said, I think of you so much and you and your family will always be in our prayers.
    With love,
